Creating Your Agency’s Optimized LinkedIn Page

Creating Your Agency’s Optimized LinkedIn Page

We have already covered how to create Facebook and Twitter accounts, so you’re probably feeling very comfortable in the social media arena by now. You’ve connected with your customers, now it’s time to focus on growing your agency and industry connections....
Fundamentals, the Key to Victory

Fundamentals, the Key to Victory

The stress associated with experiencing a third party bodily injury liability claim can be overwhelming for your customers.   The very nature of the event is not pleasant; someone is blaming the policyholder for an accident that lead to injuries.  A sometimes...
So Many Channels, So Many Options

So Many Channels, So Many Options

If there is one thing that I’ve learned from living in two countries and a few states, it’s that broad generalizations about people rarely work. Case in point: I am constantly told that “older customers don’t like email or the Internet.” In reality, if you look at the...
The Power of a Brand

The Power of a Brand

During my latest agent visits around the state, I was approached by strangers in restaurants, gas stations, grocery stores, and even as I was coming out of an elevator. Their reason for chatting with me? Brand recognition. You see, the Tower Hill Insurance logo is...