by Brian Hunt, AIC, CPCU | Jan 23, 2014 | Claims, Underwriting
Tower Hill recently empowered its appointed agents to pull CLUE loss reports as part of the application process. Three common scenarios appear on these loss histories: The client has lived at the home for several years and filed a claim for damages during that time....
by Tim Burns | Sep 18, 2013 | Claims
The Tower Hill Claims department continues to develop resources using outside vendors to help exceed consumer expectations, assist with the claims process, and properly evaluate and pay claims. These resources also help carriers monitor indemnity and loss adjustment...
by Ernie King | Aug 15, 2013 | Claims
While it may seem that insurance fraud became an issue only in recent years, the truth is that this is one of the oldest types of fraud. Numerous articles published more than a century ago recounted how merchant ships were intentionally sunk to cash out on the...
by Jim Gibson | Feb 7, 2013 | Commercial
Did you know? Over one million people in the United States experience a significant slip, trip, or fall each year. An average of 17,000 Americans dies from those slips and fall accidents. Slips and falls are the single most common reason for visits to the emergency...
by Ashley Kennedy | Jan 17, 2013 | Marketing
One of the most common questions I receive from agents is, “How do you find content every day?” The issues they are experiencing come from both a lack of ideas as well as precious time. While social media is becoming increasingly important to many agents, most wear...