Three Metrics that Matter For Your Agency Website

Three Metrics that Matter For Your Agency Website

From a marketer’s perspective, one of the big appeals of digital marketing is the ability to track and analyze consumer behavior in real time and exhaustive detail. Modern analytics packages offer an almost overwhelming assortment of data, reports, customizations, and...
Choosing a Social Network

Choosing a Social Network

Facebook or Twitter? Google+ or YouTube? What about Linkedin, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, and Foursquare? It seems everyone is going social these days (and you’re right, they are) and choosing where your business should be can get overwhelming. Luckily, it doesn’t...
Internet Marketing Step 1: Establish Your Home Base

Internet Marketing Step 1: Establish Your Home Base

We’ve hosted a number of internet marketing seminars here at Tower Hill and at agent events, and most have focused on popular and emerging topics such as social media, SEO, and digital advertising. Without exception, I am approached by at least one attendee after each...