The Power of a Brand

The Power of a Brand

During my latest agent visits around the state, I was approached by strangers in restaurants, gas stations, grocery stores, and even as I was coming out of an elevator. Their reason for chatting with me? Brand recognition. You see, the Tower Hill Insurance logo is...
Olympic Lessons

Olympic Lessons

I am a confessed Olympics Junkie. For the past seventeen days, I have been glued to my computer, TV, and cell phone…getting the very latest updates on the 2012 Summer Olympics. It has been thrilling, stimulating, contagious, and downright fun. We all cheer on our...
Choosing a Social Network

Choosing a Social Network

Facebook or Twitter? Google+ or YouTube? What about Linkedin, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram, and Foursquare? It seems everyone is going social these days (and you’re right, they are) and choosing where your business should be can get overwhelming. Luckily, it doesn’t...