Reverse the Concern

Reverse the Concern

Price wars. How confusing! It is so puzzling for many of us to compare prices…from homes to cars to dishwashers to paper towels. We are constantly comparing and contrasting prices, but how often do we really take a good hard look at the product’s actual parts or...
Humble Pie

Humble Pie

Some twenty-plus years ago, my former boss taught me everything I needed to know to be successful in sales. John was from a small town in western Georgia, and with his slight southern drawl he was always bursting with catchphrases to tell a story, prove a point, and...
The Business Card Bridge

The Business Card Bridge

I have a four inch high stack of business cards sitting in my office from my first few months working here at Tower Hill. I must have somewhere in the range of 150-180 business cards from independent agents I had the pleasure of meeting during my tour of the state...
Relationships Matter: Part 3 of 3

Relationships Matter: Part 3 of 3

Communication Communication equates availability. Once you have educated your client and begun the collaborative process through your accessibility, then providing your client with a continued line of communication is your key to success. Without this last component,...
Relationships Matter: Part 2 of 3

Relationships Matter: Part 2 of 3

Collaboration Once you have provided an education to your clients on your particular process, then working hand-in-hand with your clients is probably the most important step in the entire progression of the project. The clients have made their decision to work with...