by Brian Hunt, AIC, CPCU | Apr 17, 2014 | Claims, Underwriting
I remember the moment clearly. Hurricane Jeanne had just walloped Florida with its fourth hurricane of the 2004 season. I spent over four hours in the muggy summer heat measuring and scoping damage to a home that two 50 foot pine trees had fallen on and split in...
by Brian Hunt, AIC, CPCU | Jan 23, 2014 | Claims, Underwriting
Tower Hill recently empowered its appointed agents to pull CLUE loss reports as part of the application process. Three common scenarios appear on these loss histories: The client has lived at the home for several years and filed a claim for damages during that time....
by Dave Polson, AIC | Nov 13, 2013 | Claims, Commercial
As a Managing General Agency and insurance company, we strive constantly to educate our customers – the community manager, business owner, property owner, etc. — on providing a safer environment for workers and customers and save money at the same time. That may...
by Tim Burns | Sep 18, 2013 | Claims
The Tower Hill Claims department continues to develop resources using outside vendors to help exceed consumer expectations, assist with the claims process, and properly evaluate and pay claims. These resources also help carriers monitor indemnity and loss adjustment...
by Ernie King | Aug 15, 2013 | Claims
While it may seem that insurance fraud became an issue only in recent years, the truth is that this is one of the oldest types of fraud. Numerous articles published more than a century ago recounted how merchant ships were intentionally sunk to cash out on the...
by Jason Neville | Jun 20, 2013 | Claims
The stress associated with experiencing a third party bodily injury liability claim can be overwhelming for your customers. The very nature of the event is not pleasant; someone is blaming the policyholder for an accident that lead to injuries. A sometimes...