How to Develop a Social Media Strategy

How to Develop a Social Media Strategy

People often forget that social media is a powerful tool in our current marketing world. In the sea of baby pictures, grumpy cats, or funny updates, we forget that social media can be used to help our business grow. The question is how? Developing a social media...
Engage your Facebook Audience

Engage your Facebook Audience

Now that you’ve created your Page and promoted it, the next step is to figure out the best way to engage with your audience. Let’s start with the basics. What is Page Engagement? Obviously, Facebook’s definition of Page Engagement explains it best. Basically, it...
How to Promote Your Facebook Page

How to Promote Your Facebook Page

So you’ve created a Facebook Page for your business following our tips. What’s next? You obviously want the Page to increase your online presence and build up your audience, but how on earth do you do that? It’s time to promote your Page! Here are some methods that...
The Power of E-Mail Marketing

The Power of E-Mail Marketing

Historically, the small to mid-size insurance agents have relied on traditional direct mail (‘paper mail’) as the CRM arm of their marketing efforts. Many still do, successfully. But a growing number of companies are quickly experiencing the ROI and...